Thursday, September 11, 2008


With all of the middle east issues that have been lingering for decades the US has taken the appropriate position that a strong democratic Israel is critical to the US and its future middle east positioning. Both houses of Congress pander to the US Jewish population with admittedly several having a genuine, not just political motivation, concern for this very small vulnerable country. The main position that members of Congress take is that Israel be able to have defensible borders. And to help, the US has provided Israel with an annual $3B grant to assist with their defense budget.

With this short synopsis in mind it helps to know that US House candidate Oliver takes a more aggressive position. Jerusalem not becoming a divided city; safe, controllable borders and an increase in the US annual grant. A no nonsense, strong publicly stated position towards Israel needs to be made so that not just US citizenry hears but the rest of the world, particularly the Arab community, that the US will not tolerate and will assist Israel in the event of ANY aggression towards it. Peace is what is needed. What is being shoved down Israel's throat is coexistence with Palestine (and others in the neighborhood). That is NOT peace and continues to be a threat. I'm pleased that Georgianna understands that and will do what she can to make for a strong Israel.


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